Embrace Change: Harnessing Vulnerability for Personal Growth
Embrace vulnerability. Face fears, make bold choices, see how bravery leads to a meaningful life and growth.
Our best opportunities for growth are oftentimes on the other side of an uncomfortable choice.
And it's no doubt I found myself both elated and scared sh*tless at hitting the publish button on this post!
(But if you’re reading this, then I have done!)
The truth is I’ve been dithering on publishing this post - or anyone akin to it.
Mostly because I just haven’t known a) where to start and b) what to say.
It's an age-old feeling that I've discovered many people experience on this journey. This imposter syndrome where you wonder if you genuinely have anything of value to contribute?
But as time and fate would have it, life would have its way.
And I, dear friends, would have a choice to make and something to add.
And so today’s edition is titled:
The reality of living here on this big blue ball of spinning matter is we don’t always have control over what happens to us, but - as cliche as it may continue to sound - we do have control over how we respond.
And this is often a revolving door.
A to-and-fro.
Yes, there are many stories and onion layers to be peeled away in the coming times.
But the specifics and pertinence of this particular blog post relate to four guys, a podcast, two LinkedIn posts, and a life choice.
I think the path to growth is paved with vulnerability.
It's those onion layers, again.
This particular instance involved an impromptu log on to a podcast with Tom Youngs and Kieran Drew earlier in July 2023. In that podcast, Kieran spoke about being vulnerable as a gateway to success in his writing career.
(And it's no question now that we're newly into 2025, he had something there.)
I’ve pondered a lot on this. That week more than most.
Kieran wasn’t the first person I’ve heard this from.
In many ways, vulnerability is the gateway to growth of any kind.
A LinkedIn post by Alex Hormozi prior ties in here, where he said (paraphrasing) to feel the fear but act anyway.
(Oh, the goosebumps every time I read that.)
I not long after this moment came across a LinkedIn post by Simon Squibb.
I had been following Simon for several months at that point.
Simon’s life’s mission is a little unique and beyond inspirational. See, amongst other things; he helps people start their own businesses (and dreams).
(And asks nothing in return aside from their success.)
The guys mentioned here have a couple things in common.
They have ambitions that are:
- Big.
- Bold.
- Beautiful.
It was the culmination of these seemingly random moments and these seemingly random individuals that would form to help a shift in limiting beliefs and a gradual push to take action.
This first article was a start in my personal growth journey.
There is a crossroads we will all come to.
Oftentimes more than once in our lives.
As those closest to me will attest, I’ve been wanting to start out something on my own for an age but have been too afraid to really start in any meaningful way.
See, I hold a lot of fear.
(Why is a topic for another day.)
It’s all the fears.
The latter and former are all neatly intertwined.
I’ve also, until not too long ago, been really happy in my current job.
Besides, I’m really good at it?!
The catch-22 came home to roost as:
There has been - no lies - an ever-mounting anxiety as the months, weeks, and days tick by. I had been postponing any real action and playing out ALL the what-ifs of making life as it is work.
That included all the “valid” reasoning behind NOT giving myself a shot.
I know I had done everything possible to hold myself in the mold I had formed as “safe” and “stable.”
But the reality was that staying safe and stable had left me at a real risk of losing all I’d worked so hard for.
This is not only the roof over our heads and food on the table but also any sense of mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
And sometimes, something has got to give.
The truth is embracing risk and uncertainty is hella scary.
Hella scary, folks.
As the situation would have it, I found myself at a crossroads (and thinking of that Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken).
It’s times like these that we need to ask ourselves the hard questions and stay open to the answers that come.
If you find yourself stagnant, unwell, or unfulfilled in any way, ask yourself:
Are my current choices making me bitter or better?
Are my current choices making my life bitter or better?
Remember, the answers that come are likely simple, never easy.
The reality that I came to own was that staying in the role that I was in and the path that I chose to be on promised me nothing.
There comes a time when you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and move yourself towards a better life.
The truth is none of us have been given any guarantees.
Not in terms of employment security or anything else, for that matter.
Staying put and doing nothing can be as severe as losing the home and livelihood you've built.
This was the reality for me.
The choice, then, was whether I was willing to take the risk of putting myself and my words, thoughts, and perspectives into the universe.
It was answering the question:
Am I willing to risk vulnerability and face all my fears?
Am I willing to face my fear of failure, rejection, attention, and success?
Am I willing to be scared sh*tless and jump anyway?
It's been a journey to this point but I came to the point where I needed to answer:
I am.
I must.
There was another post that Alex Hormozi put out back then that I happened upon at that time and I sneakily added, which I thought would be a great ending to this piece today.
It’s important to keep this idea top of mind.
This is your life.
Make sure the choices you’re making are leading you to a better version of yourself.
In closing, it's all about embracing vulnerability and cultivating courage.
Remember, it's okay to be scared and jump anyway.
I'll see you on the other side.
That’s all for now, everyone.
If you felt like this helped you in some way or may help someone you love, please do share it.
I do hope you take some time to reflect on the choices you're making in your own life and whether they're leading you towards a better life.
Think about any changes you can make to improve where you are today for your tomorrow.
If you're open to it, share your story of overcoming fear and taking a risk in an email to me or in the comments section. Let's create a community of support and encouragement to help each other along this journey.
Remember, the answers that come are likely simple, never easy. But with courage and vulnerability (and a little support), we can make a choice to lead ourselves toward a better life.
I am grateful to you for joining me on this journey.
To our better selves.
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