Hi, I'm Shanna. Freedom Seeker Turned to Writing

Join a community of thinkers and seekers exploring wisdom from great minds in business, philosophy, and literature. Discover how curiosity and an open mind can lead to a life of freedom and fulfillment in the age of AI.
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Shanna Lindinger Home Profile Image
Unseen Brilliance- How Dyslexic Writers Are Shaping the Literary World
March 26, 2024

Unveiling the Power of Boring Businesses: A Path to Financial Freedom

6 Minutes

Discover the financial potential of boring businesses like laundromats, car washes, and storage units. Learn from Codie Sanchez and real-life success stories about how these unglamorous ventures can offer consistent cash flow, profitability, and a path to financial freedom. Find out how technology and AI can further enhance their efficiency and scalability.


Content Creation - Main Image
March 26, 2024
5 Minutes

How to Make Money Writing: A 9-Step Guide by Dan Koe

Learn how to make money as a writer with this 9-step guide by Dan Koe, who made $800k in a year by writing just two active hours a day and leveraging social media. Follow these steps to develop a unique perspective, write actionable advice, and network on social media. Be consistent and offer a product or service along the way to become a profitable writer.

3 Minutes
March 28, 2024

Wanderlust Gene: Understanding Our Desire to Explore

Unlock the Mystery of Wanderlust: Is a Gene Driving Your Travel Desires? Explore how the DRD4-7R gene influences our urge to travel and the deep-rooted history behind human exploration. Discover if your passion for adventure is written in your DNA!

3 Minutes
March 28, 2024

Embracing Wanderlust (The Rise of Digital Nomadism)

Dive into the world of digital nomads with 'Embracing Wanderlust: The Rise of Digital Nomadism.' Gain insights into blending remote work with travel, uncover essential tools and strategies for your success, and understand the benefits and challenges of this lifestyle. Whether you're experienced or an aspiring digital nomad I hope this article will give you the advice and practical tips you need to confidently navigate digital nomadism. Why not start your journey towards a life of freedom and exploration?!

3 Minutes
March 28, 2024

9 Best Cities for Digital Nomads in 2024: Find Your Match

Explore the top 9 cities for digital nomads in 2024, each offering a unique blend of affordable living, rich cultural experiences, supportive communities, and digital readiness. From Tulum’s beaches to Prague’s historic streets, find your perfect match for a nomadic lifestyle.


Future of Work


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